best hair extensions to buy online | best hair color to buy
best hair extensions to buy online and best hair color to buy There are certain things that define your look. In all those things hair is one of the most important one, it defines your personality. Moreover, different hair styles, hair color and haircuts can greatly affect your appearance.
Are you confused about buying hair extensions online? Whether to buy human hair or the synthetic ones? Well since hair are so important you need to be extra careful and do your homework. Buying hair extensions from stores is pretty easy as compared to buying them online. You don’t have to blind trust anyone there, you can easily find the required texture of hair and match the color with your hair. You can easily match the color by keeping extensions under your hair in natural light and see if it goes with your hair.
On the contrary, buying hair extensions online is a completely different story, you don’t know the quality, even if you do you can’t be 100% sure that the supplier will provide you with the same quality as shown in images. Also, color is the major issue, you might get a color chart but you obviously can’t be sure if it is 100% right. Don’t worry, read the following tips that will help you decide what to choose;

best hair extensions to buy online | best hair color to buy
First of all, the type of hair extension (clip-in or permanent); it depends whether you are buying an extension for normal school routine, to enhance volume and length of your hair or you want to change your look permanently. Using clip-in hair extensions is really easy and affordable in cases when you are a school going lady or just want to enhance your hair length for a party or a wedding. Also, clip-in hair extensions don’t damage your natural hair as permanent extensions do.
Second, comes the quality. There is a range of qualities available for all type of hair extensions, the low quality ones are useless in a few days or so, whereas the one with good quality can last a year or more. Remy human-hair are recommended because they tangle less and can last hair extensions to buy online and best hair color to buy
Synthetic or natural hair? Well synthetic hair extensions are less expensive than natural hair extensions, but natural hair extensions give a more genuine and realistic look.How to Bleach Dark Hair
When buying hair extensions online, matching color is one of the major problems people face. There are color charts available at those online stores that are selling these. Select the color that you think matches your hair color perfectly. The best way to determine your hair color is to see your hair from bottom to middle, the color of your hair near the root is darker and since extensions cover the root are you should get color that matches the color of your middle and bottom hair. Also, if you are ordering expensive hair extensions and don’t want to waste money that one more thing that you can do is order the color samples first, many online stores now give you color samples for very affordable prices you can buy those and be hundred percent sure which color will suit you the hair extensions to buy online and best hair color to buy