College girls are usually caught up in so much of chaos that at times it is almost impossible to look presentable. Without any doubt college students go through a lot of trouble when getting ready in the morning, late night work, assignments, projects etc. doesn’t allow them to give more than five minutes to get ready. Following four hacks will help you get through the morning phase easily and pull off a great look.
1. You Have to be Organized and Smart:
If your room and dresser are a mess then obviously you’ll have to spend a lot of time in the morning just to look for things, rummage through your bags and cupboards to get the right lip color or to get the matching pair of trousers. To avoid this, make a habit of cleaning your room and organizing your makeup and dresser once every weekend. You should remove empty bottles, throw away empty balms and sticks as well as keep them in an arranged manner so that even if you are half asleep in the morning you know where your things are.
2. Practice for a perfect five-minute face:
When a pile of books and home assignments await, you can spend just five minutes or less for makeup every single morning. So, you should try to pull off a look that’s easy and charming at the same time usually a perfect choice of concealer, mascara and the right shade of lip color are needed for a perfect five-minute face.
3. Utilize your time as much as possible
I am running late, I can’t do it because I don’t have enough time, I’ll do it tomorrow (the tomorrow that never comes), these are the phrases that we usually hear from college students therefore it is necessary that they make the most of their time. While you are showering take a comb with wide teeth along with you and untangle your hair while you are in the shower this way you can save your time. We all know that waking up in the morning is no easy task so you should get your things ready a night before, select your clothes and keep your makeup stuff aligned and in a proper manner so that in case you are running late you can grab-up your things, stuff them in your bag and get ready on the bus or later in college.
4. Make concealer your best friend:
College life means welcome to the dark circles! They stick to you like a nightmare and won’t let go. This is because of those sleepless nights, working on assignments and studying for test and exams. Obviously, with so much of work you won’t have time to put cucumber slices on your eyes and feel relaxed. So, the only solution to this problem can be a good concealer which will help you look less sleep deprived and a little fresher than you actually feel. College girls may find concealers will tighten their budget but seriously it will save you a lot of pained comments and it worth your money.
4 Time-Saving Beauty tips for College Girls